Software Download Center

This page contains programs that come from various sources as a result of trying to solve specific problems. You are free to download and use any of this software if you feel it suits your purpose. The author of this software is not responsible in any way for any problem caused by this software, whether it is used correctly or not.

All of the software on this page is certified 100% gcc free. No gcc compilers, tools, or libraries were used to build this software. No gcc DLLs, and no libc DLLs are required by this software. This means that all of these programs are 100% ArcaOS and OS/2 safe and do not have the persistent compatiblity problems, or cause the problems that are known to be associated with gcc built software.

All of these programs can be safely executed with no arguments and the program will display version and help information.

Unless otherwise specified, all software on this page was compiled to run on ArcaOS and OS/2.

These programs are not available anywhere else and may not be uploaded to any other server. Links to this page, and links the files on this page are permitted, but you may not take any of these files and upload them to a different server which can be accessed by others.

addtofile - v1.03 - Program for use in Makefiles for building programs (Rexx) ( 2K) 25-Dec-2020.

Helps create version headers, linker command files, etc. For use in Makefiles for building programs.

cable - v1.1 - Executes a program if ethernet cable is disconnected (Cmd) ( 26K) 05-Oct-2010.

Executes a program if your ethernet cable is disconnected. Based on CABLE 1.0 (c) 2006 Yuri Dario.

configsyscheck - V2.02 - Check your CONFIG.SYS (Cmd) ( 21K) 2024-Aug-11.

Checks a CONFIG.SYS file for errors. This is a work in progress. New checks will be added as they are needed. Some checks may not be exactly correct but should give you an idea when things are not as they should be.

testlog log files are automatically detected so -l is not normally needed. -u modifies -o so it only works if -o is used.

dbgbrk - v0.01 - Debug Breakpoint (Driver) ( 1K) 15-Jul-2012.

Executes an int 3 to get kernel debugger control.

dbghlp - v1.01 - Debug Helper (Driver) ( 6K) 10-Oct-2016.

Can be used with a DEVICE= or a BASEDEV= statement in your CONFIG.SYS to perform useful functions to help debug a system.

drives - V2.1 - Show drives (Cmd) ( 12K) 2021-Jun-30.

Show all drives in the system.

Drv16 - v20230612 - Device Driver Development Kit for 16 Bit Drivers ( 58K) 12-Jun-2023.

A development kit to make developing new device drivers very easy. This kit contains header files and a library that contains all of the system related things necessary to build a device driver on OS/2. The only thing you need to focus on is your unique code for your device. Then simply link to the library and you can start testing your code. Examples of working drivers are included in the kit. Some of the older MultiMac drivers, the AMouse driver, the IBMKBD driver, and the dbghlp driver are based on this kit.

Drv32 - v20240802 - Device Driver Development Kit for 32 Bit Drivers ( 107K) 02-Aug-2024.

A development kit to make developing new device drivers very easy. This kit contains header files and a library that contains all of the system related interfaces and thunking modules necessary to build a 32 bit device driver on OS/2. The only thing you need to focus on is your unique code for your device. Then simply link to the library and you can start testing your code. Examples of working drivers are included in the kit. The newer Multimac drivers, the AHCI, NVME, and USB drivers are based on this kit.

dupfinder - V1.0 - Duplicate Finder for PATH and LIBPATH (Cmd) ( 18K) 10-Mar-2016.

Finds duplicate files in PATH and LIBPATH and others. The default path is PATH taken from the environment variable PATH. For PATH the default search file mask is *.exe. For LIBPATH the default search file mask is *.dll. Dn = Delete duplicate n. Cn = Copy duplice n to all others.

eaclean - V1.3 - EA Cleaner Utility (Cmd) ( 23K) 2020-Dec-26.

Displays and cleans EA litter from files. -c or -c1 = clean ea litter only Removes unnecessary UID, GID, MODE, INO, RDEV, GEN, FLAGS EAs. -c2 = same as -c1 plus remove unnecessary .LONGNAME EAs and MR.ED.TXTPOS. -c3 = same as -c2 plus remove .LONGNAME EAs that do not match the file name. Use -c3 with caution and do not use -c3 on boot volumes.

Eaclean displays the name of the file if any EAs were removed. It will display Removed all EAs from filename if it ended up removing all the EAs, or Removed some EAs from filename if only some of the EAs were removed. Eaclean currently cannot process files that are open or locked.

fsync - V1.3 - File Syncronizer (Cmd) ( 26K) 12-Apr-2010.

Keeps your files syncronized between two systems by tracking changes and transferring changes via your choice of removeable media. commands: TO = copy files to drive FROM = copy files from drive MAKE = make list files on drive

InitDisk - v1.3 - Initialize disk utility (Cmd) (InitDisk-1.3.exe 62K) 08-Aug-2023.

Initializes any disk as MBR or GPT.

netio - v1.33 - Network Throughput Benchmark (Cmd) ( 134K) 30-May-2016.

Updated version of Kai-Uwe Rommel's netio program.

open-watcom-c-os2 - v2.0.1 - OpenWatcom C Compiler for OS/2 (open-watcom-c-os2-2.0.1.exe 72913K) 18-Dec-2023.

An executable installer that will install some or all of the OpenWatcom components and configure the system so it's ready to use. This is the official version that is used by Arca Noae to build core Arca Noae components. Other binary versions of this compiler may be available from other sources, but testing shows they all have problems and don't build the Arca Noae components properly.

Os2Tk45 - v20240311 - OS/2 Toolkit from IBM ( 37376K) 11-Mar-2024.

This is the IBM OS/2 tookit with some updates. Unzip the downloaded file to a temporary location, read the readme files and run the installer inside.

pcicfgwr - v0.01 - PCI Configuration Write (Driver) ( 2K) 07-Sep-2012.

Writes values to PCI Configuration space.

romimage - V1.1 - Dump Video BIOS (Cmd) ( 18K) 2017-Sep-04.

Creates an image of the Video ROM

showargs - V1.0 - Show Command Arguements (Cmd) ( 14K) 06-Sep-2010.

syncdir - V1.10 - Syncronize Directories (Cmd) ( 24K) 2021-Mar-03.

Syncronizes one directory to another based on the specified options. The TargetDirectory must already exist. If the specified Target is only a drive (ie. 'c:'), then the entire path on the Target drive is assumed to be the same as on the Source drive. No files are added to the Target unless the -a switch is used. No files are deleted from the Target unless the -d switch is used. No files are replaced in the Target unless the -r switch is used. By default, -r only copies files if the file in the Source is newer than the file in the Target. Files are copied if they are different, even if the file in the Target is newer if -c is used. This program only compares file sizes and dates, and does not compare file contents. Supports files greater than 2GB.

syncnist - V1.2 - Syncronize clock with NIST server (Cmd) ( 20K) 08-Mar-2012.

Syncnist sets the local clock from the NIST time server using the Daytime Protcol (RFC867), and does NOT rely on (or use) the TZ environment variable. You must use the -s and -d arguments to specify your offset in hours (or minutes) from UCT. For each of the -s and -d options, n specifies the offset from UTC in hours or minutes, and str specifies the TZ string to be used if modifying CONFIG.SYS. If you do not use daylight time, simply omit the -d argument. Information for when daylight time starts and ends is provided by the time server. For example, someone in California would use 'syncnist -s8 -d7', or 'syncnist -s8,PST8 -d7,PDT7'. CONFIG.SYS will only be changed if the appropriate string is specified and if a change is necessary. The TZ environment variable is checked to see if a change is needed before checking CONFIG.SYS. At least one of -s or -d must be specified. The default server is

testlog - v3.54 - Log file generator (Cmd) (testlog-3.54.exe 148K) 12-Oct-2024.

Create a log file that you can submit with your test results when reporting a problem. This program collects all the data about your system and real-time system state and puts it into a single log file.